In all the studies, emphasis has been laid on keeping the diet healthy and nutritious. Scientists believe that the kind of things we consume have a direct impact on our health. This is the reason why all people have been advised to consume more fruits and green vegetables regularly. However, health experts say that this alone is not enough, to keep the body free from diseases, it is important that you also make necessary changes in the edible oil.

In a study conducted to find out about the effects of oil on health, researchers found that if olive oil is consumed instead of other edible oils, it can be especially beneficial for us. By consuming it, not only can the risk of heart disease be reduced, but it can also prove helpful in preventing serious diseases like dementia.

Benefits of extra-virgin olive oil
Researchers found that extra-virgin olive oil is no less than a superfood. Mary Flynn, an associate professor at Brown University, has conducted more than 20 years of research on olive oil and found that there is virtually no other food that provides such benefits. Scientists believe that if this one change is made in the diet, many types of diseases can be avoided.

Harvard University also found in research that people who consumed even one teaspoon of olive oil daily had 28% less risk of dying from dementia compared to those who never consumed it.

What do researchers say?
Scientists say, this oil contains high levels of beneficial compounds, which have been considered beneficial for the body in many ways. An analysis of studies involving millions of participants found that each additional 5 grams of olive oil eaten per day (that's a little more than a teaspoon) could reduce the risk of dying from several chronic diseases by 4%. Extra-virgin olive oil is rich in polyphenols, these antioxidants are very helpful in reducing inflammation in the body.

Inflammation is the basis of many serious diseases, says Kristin Kirkpatrick, a dietitian and nutritionist at the Cleveland Clinic. If we look at inflammation as a basis, then olive oil can protect us from many diseases.

Beneficial for heart
The study in seven countries specifically looked at the effects of olive oil on heart disease. Researchers found that it contains high amounts of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and polyphenols. It can also help reduce heart-related diseases and prevent life-threatening conditions like heart attacks.

Extra-virgin olive oil containing certain amounts of polyphenols may have special benefits, health experts say.

The risk of dementia reduces
Similarly, Harvard scientists have claimed in a study that olive oil can also reduce the risk of dementia. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health presented the findings at the annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition, reporting that people who included it in their diet saw an increase in cognitive function. It may also help reduce the risks of mental health decline and dementia.

It can also be beneficial in preventing diabetes and some types of cancer.

(PC: IStock)