It is believed that after an age we have to face many physical and mental problems. But what to do, this season is such that anyone can have many problems related to health. Due to rising temperatures or weather, there is a lot of impact on the eyes. Especially in the afternoon, when our eyes are exposed to direct sunlight, there can be many problems related to the eyes.

By taking proper care and following some special tips, many problems related to the eyes can be prevented from occurring. Many people may not only have problems with swelling but also with dark circles and premature wrinkles. In such a situation, there is no need to worry because today we are sharing asanas told by expert Smriti, which can be included in your routine.

Let us tell you that Smriti runs her health centre and keeps sharing health-related information on her Instagram. Let us know which fitness tips have to be followed to take care of the eyes.

Capricorn pose

Makara Mudra is a type of yoga mudra whose practice works to give you mental peace. This mudra is also considered beneficial in improving the skin. Practising Makara Mudra regularly throughout the month gives you many benefits.

Practising Makara Mudra daily in the right way removes many problems of your skin and gets rid of the problem of dark circles under the eyes.

How to do?

  • Keeps your right palm slanting on the left palm.
  • After this, take out the right thumb from between the pinky and ring fingers of the left palm and place it in the middle of the left palm.
  • Now join the thumb and the front part of the ring finger of the left hand while making the Earth Mudra with your left palm.
  • Now keep the left palm on the right side up.
  • Take out the little finger of the right palm and make Prithvi Mudra.
  • Practice it regularly.

Mid-brow posture

This mudra is considered very useful for the eyes. In this, the eyebrows are seen together. Some people also try to look at the tip of the nose. By doing this, the eyesight increases and the problems of dark circles also reduce.

Do this at a specific time in the day like before sleeping or after waking up. Try not to use the screen after practising this.

How to do?

  • Tilt the head and touch the middle of the eyebrows with the thumbs of both hands.
  • Try to concentrate the mind at the feet of the deity and try to move the eyes and look at one side.
  • Repeat this process and practice regularly.

Create a rule to run the screen

By the way, our eyes are most affected by the screen, what to do; now using the phone has become a part of our life. That's why it is important to follow the 20:20 rule while working on screen.

That is, work on the screen for 20 minutes and then close your eyes after every 20 seconds, whether it is using the phone or using a laptop for office work. Repeat this throughout the day.

Get plenty of sleep

To keep the eyes healthy, it is necessary to get full sleep at night. This will give complete rest to the eyes. The eyes work a lot during the day, so the eyes should get complete rest at night. Apart from this, every night massage with oil under the eyes with a light hand.

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