How would you feel if you were talking to someone and he put his hand on your mouth again and again? Many times we do not even know that our mouth smells bad, but when the person in front of us tells us about it, we feel embarrassed. This can happen to anyone. Our mouth may smell bad due to stomach upset. If you have eaten things like onion and garlic, then it also causes bad breath.

Bad breath occurs due to infection in the mouth and also due to illness. But it is also easy to remove bad breath. Many people keep cardamom and cloves with them. Some people keep chewing gum containing menthol with them.

How about if we tell you a non-alcohol mouthwash that can solve your problem? I am going to share with you a recipe that I use quite often. Using this homemade mouthwash will also benefit you. Let us know how to make and use it.

Causes of bad breath

As we told you, sometimes bad breath occurs due to infection and food, but apart from this, there are many factors which increase bad breath -

Reasons for using tobacco products

Do you smoke? Do you eat spices containing tobacco? Bad breath also occurs due to this. The gums of smokers and tobacco users start deteriorating and this leads to bad breath.

Due to poor personal hygiene

Not brushing or flossing daily also causes bad breath. If you think that brushing your teeth is enough, then it is not so. Along with brushing, you should floss and then it is very important to clean the tongue as well. A sticky layer of bacteria (plaque) accumulates on your teeth. If it is not cleaned, it starts to smell.

Causes of dry mouth

Saliva helps clean your mouth. Dry mouth a condition that contributes to bad breath because saliva production is reduced. The mouth naturally dries out during sleep, causing different and foul-smelling morning breath. For this, it is very important to drink an adequate amount of water and try to reduce the intake of soda and sweet juices.

Benefits of Homemade mouthwash

It will be alcohol-free, so there will be no irritation to your gums. Besides, mouthwash prepared from herbs at home will not only remove bad breath but will also reduce toothache and swelling.

Ingredients to make home-made mouthwash-

  • 2 cups hot water
  • 2-3 leaves peppermint
  • 1/2 tsp alum
  • 3-4 drops lemon juice
  • 1 drop of tea tree oil
  • 1/2 tbsp cinnamon
  • a pinch of rock salt

How to make mouthwash-

  • Boil the water and when it reduces to half, turn off the flame, add lemon and alum and mix.
  • Now add cinnamon piece or powder, crushed peppermint and rock salt and mix. Finally, add tea tree oil and fill it in a bottle.
  • This DIY mouthwash can be stored for up to 10 days.

How to use homemade mouthwash

  • First of all, brush your teeth thoroughly.
  • After this, clean the edges and gaps of your teeth with the help of floss.
  • Rinse your tongue by scrubbing it with a tongue cleaner or brush.
  • After this, mix 2 tablespoons of mouthwash in 1/2 cup of water and gargle with it for 30 seconds.
  • After brushing your teeth in the morning and evening, you must use mouthwash.

Other ways to remove bad breath-

Apart from this, keep some things in mind. To remove bad breath, pay attention to your diet also. You can also try these tricks.

Drink enough water

Dry mouth also smells bad, so whenever your mouth becomes dry, drink water. Keep in mind that you should not drink juice or soda, but only water. The saliva produced in your mouth helps clean your mouth. Drinking water will clean the bacteria from the mouth and toxins will be released through urine.

Try apple cider vinegar

If you have eaten onion and garlic, then obviously there will be bad breath after that. Apple vinegar is a good option for this. It works instantly and removes bad breath from your mouth. Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to a glass of water and gargle.

Rinse with warm salt water

Gargling with salt water is a natural way to prevent bad breath. Mix 1 teaspoon rock salt in 1 glass of hot water and then fill your mouth with water, swirl it for 30 seconds and gargle. This will not only reduce bad breath but also reduce gum pain and swelling.

You can also make this mouthwash at home and try it and take care of your dental hygiene. Even after this, if there is a bad smell, then definitely consult a dentist.

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