You must be worshipping in the temple of the house every day, but do you know what important things you should keep in mind while cleaning the idol of God? If you do not know the answer to this question, then we will tell you what are the things that you should keep in mind while cleaning the idol of God.

1. Do not clean with a dirty cloth

Never clean the idol or photo of God kept in the house with a dirty cloth. According to religious texts, doing this brings negativity to your home. Also, keep in mind that the temple of the house or the utensils used in the house of worship should not be cleaned with dirty cloth. You should always clean the temple with a clean cloth.

2. Do not clean it by keeping it on the ground

If you clean God's idol or photo by keeping it in the ground, then you should not do this at all. Often people keep the idol of God on the ground while cleaning the temple at home. Keep in mind that you should never do this. While cleaning, you should spread a separate cloth for the deity and keep all the idols and photos on it.

3. Do not clean with a dirty brush

Many people start cleaning the idol by rubbing it with an old toothbrush, but this should not be done because the toothbrush is considered a liar, so it is not appropriate to clean the idol of God with it. You can use any brush that you have not used. Apart from this, do not use a utensil cleaning scrub to clean the idol or photo of God, instead use Pitambari.

You must keep these things in mind while cleaning the idol of God.

image credit- freepik