Antivirus is a type of software that protects computers from viruses and malware. A virus is a type of computer program that can cause harmful actions to a device, such as destroying data, locking files, or taking control of the computer. Malware is a comprehensive term that refers to any type of harmful software, which can include viruses, spyware, and ransomware.

Antivirus software typically works in two ways:

  1. This method detects the virus by identifying a specific pattern of the virus's code. Antivirus software contains a virus database that contains patterns of code from previously known viruses. When antivirus software scans a file or program, it compares the virus database with the file or program's code. If there is a match, the antivirus software detects the virus.
  2. This method detects the virus by identifying its behaviour. Antivirus software scans a file or program and observes how it behaves. If any suspicious behaviour occurs, the antivirus software detects the virus.

In addition to antivirus software, other ways to protect your computer from viruses can be:

  • Download files and programs only from trusted sources.
  • Keep your browser updated.
  • Update your system regularly.
  • Use a firewall on your system.

Correct use of antivirus software

  • Antivirus software inspects a computer's files, disks, and memory and attempts to identify suspected or identified threats.
  • If any virus or malware is found on the computer, antivirus software removes or cleans it, thereby reducing the impact of the virus.
  • Real-time Protection: Some antivirus software is in operation mode to provide comprehensive protection against viruses and attempt to keep the computer safe from viruses.
  • Antivirus software updates its definition files regularly so that it can detect new viruses.
  • Antivirus software can help manage multiple computers under one organization, making security operations easier.

These could be the best antivirus for devices in 2023:

  1. Bitdefender Total Security: It is a comprehensive antivirus software that protects computers, laptops, mobile phones and tablets from viruses and other malware. It also has separate features like firewall, web security and inbox security.
  2. Norton 360 Deluxe: This is another popular antivirus software that has similar features to Bitdefender Total Security.
  3. McAfee Total Protection: This is a good option that's easy to use and has a variety of features, such as online payment security and digital identity security.
  4. Avast Premium Security: It is an affordable antivirus software with effective security.
  5. Kaspersky Total Security: It is an advanced antivirus software that helps protect against the latest malware.

Apart from this, these antivirus software can also be a better option for your device.

  1. Norton
  2. McAfee
  3. Bitdefender
  4. avast
  5. AVG
  6. Kaspersky
  7. Trend Micro
  8. Sophos

The use of antivirus software helps ensure computer security and can help protect against viruses, malware, Trojans, and other harmful cyber threats.

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