We all use many types of products to take care of our hair. But the most basic step in hair care is oiling. Oiling not only nourishes the scalp and maintains moisture in the hair, but it also helps in hair growth.

In this respect, using fish oil is considered very good. It is a good source of Omega 3 fatty acids and hence massaging your hair with it can be very beneficial for your hair. However, for this fish oil must be applied properly to the hair. So, today in this article we are telling you about some small tips which you should keep in mind while applying fish oil to your hair-

Mix with carrier oil

When you are including fish oil in your hair care routine, try to apply it only after mixing it with carrier oil. The biggest advantage of doing this is that the strong smell of fish oil will not bother you. You can mix coconut oil, olive oil, or jojoba oil in fish oil and apply it. You mix three spoons of carrier oil with one spoon of fish oil.

Must do a patch test

If you are applying fish oil to your hair for the first time, you must do a patch test in a small area before applying it on your entire scalp. When you do this, it lets you know whether you are having any kind of allergy or any other problem with this oil.

Apply on ends also

Generally, it is seen that we apply oil on our scalp and massage it with the help of fingers. But while applying fish oil, you must apply it on the ends of the hair. When you do this, it reduces the dryness of hair. At the same time, the chances of split ends are also significantly reduced.

Stay consistent

If you want to make your hair more smooth, silky and shiny, then you need to be consistent with your oiling routine. If you apply fish oil only once, it will not promote hair growth. Whenever you oil, try to mix some fish oil in your carrier oil. But avoid using it too much. Applying excessive oil can cause stickiness in the hair and it can be a bit difficult to wash it.

So now while applying fish oil to your hair, pay attention to these small things and pamper your hair.

Image Credit- freepik