The problem of constipation has become a problem for most people. Talking about its reasons, from bad lifestyle to outside food is responsible for this. At the same time, it becomes even more difficult to get rid of stomach problems in the summer season. When it comes to getting relief from constipation, you are advised to have different types of churan, and fiber in your diet, and drink plenty of water. But some things should not be eaten at all during constipation. According to experts, the consumption of these things can increase your problem further. So let's know which things should not be consumed during constipation.

In Ayurveda, cumin is called jeeraka which is derived from the word jirna, which means digestion. According to Ayurveda, the word cumin means 'that which digests'. It increases Pitta, improves digestion, and is mild in digestion, but it is full of properties like Ruksha i.e. it is drying in nature, and Grahi which absorbs. Hence, it is wonderful for loss of appetite, diarrhea, and IBS but not for constipation. That's why to use cumin for everything but when you have a constipation problem then you should avoid its use.

Curd increases interest i.e. taste. Hot and Vatajit in nature... Balances Vata. But it is heavy to digest and also absorbent like astringent cumin, which makes it incompatible with constipation. So if you have constipation, avoid curd until the problem of constipation is cured.

Caffeine can stimulate the muscles in our digestive system and lead to easy bowel movements. But excessive caffeine intake causes dehydration. Which can create difficulty during the problem of constipation. So if you have constipation, avoid it.

(PC: Freepik)