PCOS i.e. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a common problem among women nowadays. Irregular lifestyle, wrong eating habits and stress are the main reasons behind PCOS. PCOS is caused by hormonal imbalance. In PCOS, the body of a woman starts producing more androgens i.e. male hormones. Because of this, the hormonal balance in women starts deteriorating. Ovulation and periods are also affected by this. Because of this, periods become irregular. Apart from this, women may have to face many problems like weight gain and insulin resistance due to PCOS. To cure the symptoms of PCOS, the most important thing is to balance the hormones. For this, some spices are available in our kitchen only. By taking the help of these spices, you can cure the symptoms of PCOS. Ayurvedic doctor DeekshaBhavsar is giving detailed information about this.


Fennel can help in reducing the male hormone androgen in our body. Androgen is a sex hormone. In PCOS, the level of this hormone in the body increases. Due to this, acne, irregular periods, unwanted hair and many other problems can occur. Fennel can help reduce the symptoms of PCOS by balancing this hormone in the body. Soak 1 tsp fennel seeds overnight. Boil it for 3-5 minutes in the morning. Then filter it and drink it.

Black pepper

Black pepper is beneficial in reducing excess fat stored in the body. It improves insulin sensitivity. In addition, black pepper is anti-inflammatory and therefore helps balance hormones. Take 1 freshly crushed black pepper in the morning, along with organic honey.


Fenugreek seeds can also help in balancing hormones in PCOS. It helps in managing the insulin level in the body. Also regulates hormones. Eating this also reduces the excessive production of testosterone. Soak 1 tsp fenugreek seeds overnight, boil them for 5 minutes, filter and drink it the next morning.

You can follow this method

  • You can also take all these three things together.
  • Take 1 glass of water.
  • Add 1 tsp fennel, 2 black peppercorns, 1 tsp fenugreek seeds and 1 small piece of jaggery to it.
  • Boil it till it reduces to half.

Keep these things in mind

The most important way to manage the symptoms of PCOS is to make lifestyle changes. Healthy eating habits, daily exercise, good sleep and managing stress are very important for PCOS. Without this, it is very difficult to fix.

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