Lavender Oil For Hair: You must have read or heard the name of essential oil many times. You must also know about its benefits. Actually, the essential oil is an extract extracted from many types of plants. They are widely used in aromatherapy, natural remedies, and alternative health practices. One of these is lavender oil. This essential oil has anti-bacterial properties, which are considered very beneficial for our hair. Let us know how beneficial it is for our hair-

Hair growth
Lavender essential oil is known to be extremely beneficial for hair growth. It nourishes our hair from the inside and prevents them from falling. Along with bringing shine to our hair, it makes the scalp healthy, which strengthens the hair root.

Get rid of allergies
Lavender oil has anti-bacterial properties, due to which there is no fungus and dandruff etc. in the hair and scalp. Apart from this, if there is a problem of itching in the head, then there is no allergy in the hair.

Prevent hair loss
Lavender oil is known to be extremely beneficial for the scalp. By applying this on the head, the nutrients easily reach the hair roots. Using lavender oil reduces hair fall and increases blood circulation on the scalp.

Scalp infection
Our changing lifestyle and diet is affecting both skin and hair. Due to this, there is a risk of fungal infection. Due to the anti-fungal and anti-bacterial quality present in lavender oil, our scalp remains free from infection.

Reduce swelling
If there is any kind of itching or inflammation in the pores of your hair, then you can use lavender oil. Its use removes the burning sensation in the scalp. If there is any kind of swelling etc. in the pores, it heals quickly by its use.