Summer has started in which many problems related to the body have to be faced. One of these problems is UTI (Urinary Tract Infection), which is an infection in the urinary tract. This is a common infection that includes a number of problems with burning during urination. According to research, 50 to 60 per cent of women have urine infections at least once in their lifetime and it is more in women than in men. This problem is very troubling during summer and if measures are not taken in time, many problems may have to be faced. In such a situation, today we are going to give you information about some home remedies, using which you can get relief from the problem of UTI infection. Let us know about these measures…

Coconut water
Apart from being delicious and cooling, coconut water is full of nutrients. Drinking coconut water also improves the balance of electrolytes in the body. At the same time, coconut water is also a diuretic and drinking it also leads to frequent urination, due to which coconut water helps in flushing out bacteria and infections from the urethra.

Cranberry juice
Cranberry or Karanda juice can be beneficial to get relief from infection in the urine. Related research suggests that regular consumption of cranberry juice can provide relief from urinary tract infections. Actually, the flavonoids present in it can help prevent the bacteria-causing urine infection from spreading the infection. This is the reason why home remedies for urine infections can be done with the help of cranberry juice.

Apart from being a hydrating drink, drinking lemon water also provides relief from problems like UTIs. Similarly, vitamin C is also found in lemon, which eliminates toxins and bacteria accumulated in the body. Therefore, you can consume lemon water to get relief from problems while urinating.