How To Maintain Eye Health: Without eyes the world is dark. If there is no light in the eyes then you cannot see the beauty of the world. According to the World Health Organization, around 2.2 billion people worldwide are suffering from eye disorders. At the same time, the problem is increasing day by day, however, by taking special care of the health of the eyes, you can avoid these problems. Let us know the special tips by which you can keep your eyes safe.

Sitting at a distance from the computer- For the health of the eyes, you must sit at a proper distance from the computer, whether you are studying or doing office work. Apart from this, if you are too engaged on a computer or phone, then it can harm your eyes. There can be complaints of pain in the eyes. You can be a victim of digital strain. In such a situation, try to keep a proper distance from the computer while working and use it only when needed.

Get the checkup done- Even if there is no problem with your eyes, you should keep getting the eye checkup done from time to time. Especially for diabetic patients, it is ney sleeping disorder is anterior ischemic optic neuropathy, which is a lesion of the optic nerve. In this disease, there is swelling in the blood vessels, due to which the circulation of blood in the opticessary to have an eye checkup from time to time, because sugar harms the eyes and if you have diabetes for a long time, you can become a victim of blindness.

Get enough sleep- You should take enough sleep to give rest to the eyes. Another eye problem caused bc nerve is not possible and due to this, the eyesight gradually starts to weaken.

Clean the eyes- Regularly you should clean the eyes. If you are negligent towards it, problems like itching, redness of the eyes, burning sensation, and swelling can occur. Whenever you work on a computer or laptop, make sure to clean your eyes. Wash your eyes three to four times a day with cold water.

Take food rich in nutrients- To avoid eye problems, one should take food rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin K, and E, Vitamin A is also known as Retinol. It is considered good for eyesight. You can get Vitamin A from sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, oranges, and green vegetables. Apart from this, you can consume pulses, beans, fish, curd, milk and almonds for vitamin B. Vitamin C protects the eyes from free radical damage. Helps maintain the structure of the cornea and sclera. For this, eat broccoli, potatoes, and citrus fruits.