Nowadays it has become difficult to live without a mobile phone. Everyone has become so addicted to smartphones that not a single day goes by when they do not use it for some time. Although doctors also refuse to use it for a long time, no one listens to them. Prolonged use of mobile phones can be dangerous for the eyes. Due to this, you may become a victim of smartphone vision syndrome. Today we will tell you what this syndrome is and how it harms the eyes. let us know….

What is Smartphone Vision Syndrome?
Using mobile phones for a long time causes problems in people's eyes. When a person has smartphone vision syndrome, he or she may suffer from blindness and a number of eye problems. It is also called computer vision syndrome and digital vision syndrome. If ignored, it can damage eyesight. Although experts say that no specific study has been done on mobile phones and blindness, by paying special attention to some things, you can protect yourself from this dangerous syndrome.

Keep screen brightness low
Excessive light from the phone is not good for the eyes, so keep the brightness of the phone screen low or turn on the automatic brightness setting. After this, you will need screen brightness. This kind of glare will not affect your eyes.

Keep blinking
It is not good at all to keep looking at the phone continuously. In such a situation, if you use the phone a lot then keep blinking while looking at the screen.

Keep distance from the phone
Apart from this, try to minimize the use of smartphones. Although it is not easy, in such a situation, use the phone at a distance of at least 16-18 inches from the eyes. If the problem occurs, zoom the screen.

Increase text size
Due to the small text size of the phone, there is a lot of strain on the eyes, due to which the eyesight starts decreasing. In such a situation, you should enlarge the smartphone text and then use it.

Don't look at your phone in the dark
Try not to look at your phone in the dark as it affects your eyes and may lead to vision loss. If you still want to see the phone, try keeping the lights on all around.
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