Colors Can Improve Health: Colors have a deep impact on our mood and emotions. Colors can evoke memories in our mind. Even colors can affect our physical health. Color therapy is also known as chromotherapy. Chromotherapy is a form of alternative medicine, in which colors are used to promote health. Today we will tell you about the power of color therapy and its health benefits.

Color therapy
According to color therapy, each color has a different vibration and energy, which can affect our body, mind and soul. This happens because the colors are made of electro magnetic. But let us tell you that the frequency and wavelength of different colors are also different. When we see a particular colour, our brain processes it and sends signals to different parts of our body. It can have an impact on our moods, emotions and physical health.

Red color
The color red is associated with energy, vitality and passion. It can increase the flow of blood. In addition, it can stimulate the nervous system, which increases physical performance. The color carnation is often used to treat fatigue, depression and libido. It may also help in reducing inflammation.

Blue color
Blue is a calming and relaxing color that can help reduce stress, anxiety and insomnia. It also slows down the heart rate apart from reducing blood pressure. Blue color is often used in the treatment of high blood pressure, migraine and chronic pain.

From green
Green is used as a healing color, which is associated with balance and growth. Green color helps in improving anxiety, relaxation and digestion. Our health gets many benefits from color therapy. Most importantly color therapy is safe.