The risk of heart disease is increasing rapidly, even at an early age, people are falling victim to problems like irregular heartbeat, and chest pain. Doctors say, although there can be many reasons for these problems, lifestyle, and dietary disturbances have been considered to be the main reason for this. People who have already had a problem with serious heart disease in their family may have more risk.

Doctors say, no one can be considered safe from heart disease at the moment, the reason- is most people are victims of an industry lifestyle and the amount of nutritious things keeping the heart healthy in the diet is very low.

Even the smallest problems of the heart can take severe form, so it is necessary to be noted. Let us understand from the dietist what things can be the most beneficial for you to keep the heart healthy.

What is the advice of a dietist?
We interacted with Pune -based Nutritionist Amita Singh to know how the diet should be for heart health care. She says that you do not really need much effort to keep the heart healthy. Usually, all those elements are present in our daily diet, which can cause the necessary nutrition to the heart. It should be ensured that these things are necessary for your food.

Increase the quantity of omega-3
Omega-3 fatty acids are considered one of the most essential nutrients to keep heart health better. Omega -3 required to keep your heart and blood vessels healthy, it reduces triglycerides in the blood, which reduces irregular heartbeat and additional pressure on the heart.

It can be easily obtained from many types of fish, nuts, and seeds (flaxseed, chia seeds, and walnuts).

Olive oil is more beneficial than other oils
Dr. Amita says that the demand for olive oil has increased in many countries of the world, and it is very beneficial for heart health in studies. Rich in antioxidants that keep the heart healthy and protect your blood vessels. This also reduces the risk of increasing cholesterol levels in the blood. Researchers recommend all people consume olive oil to stay safe from heart diseases.

Walnuts beneficial for your heart
Consuming a handful of walnuts a day can be the best way to reduce your cholesterol. It helps reduce inflammation in your heart arteries. Walnuts are also a better source of omega-3S, monounsaturated fats, sterols, and fiber. The research found that people who consumed walnuts daily for two months saw a significant decrease in their cholesterol levels.

(PC: Freepik)