The popular social media platform Telegram is going up very fast these days. People are using Telegram extensively. If you do not know, then let us tell you that there are many such features in Telegram, about which very few people know. The name of one of these features is the Telegram Channel. Your work can be easily shared with the world through Telegram channels. Know further how you can create a channel and run it easily.

Follow these steps in mobile on Android and iOS

First of all, download the Telegram app on your phone.

Then open the Telegram app on your device.

After opening the app, click on the new message on the bottom right side.

After this, go to the pop-up menu and click on the new channel.

Then you have to name the channel, the name should be such that it is quite attractive and better in search.

Now the channel has been created, after, you will have to give some good information about the channel. This will give users information about what the channel provides information about. However, this is optional.

After this, the type of channel has to be selected, this will tell whether the channel is private or public. If it is a private channel then an invitation link will be required to join it. Whereas, when creating a public channel, you will have to create a custom link.

After this, you have to decide whether users can save the content of your channel or not.

Finally, after giving all the information, your channel will be created.

Process to create a Telegram channel on the desktop

To create a Telegram channel on a desktop, first open Telegram.

Click on the Menu button. After opening Telegram, you will find three lines on the top left side, click on them same.

After this click on New Channel in the main menu.

Then you have to give the name of the channel.

Select the type of channel on Telegram.

After this, the link to the channel has to be created.

Then it has to be decided whether to provide the option of saving content or not.

Finally, click on the checkmark and the channel will be created.

PC Social media