With increasing age, many changes start taking place in the body. Increasing age affects every part of the body. The biggest impact is on teeth and bones. Your teeth enhance your face. With increasing age, teeth start turning yellow due to which you have to feel embarrassed. Many people are troubled by yellow teeth. To get rid of this problem, many people get whitening done from the dentist but it is expensive. Teeth can also be whitened by natural methods. Today we will tell you home remedies to whiten teeth. Let us know.

1. Banana Peel
You can save the cost of whitening your teeth with banana peel. Rub banana peel on your yellow teeth and after some time, gargle with lukewarm water. Do these measures for a few days, you will start seeing the difference.

2. Strawberry
Strawberries are as delicious to eat as they are beneficial for health. Strawberry can be very helpful in whitening teeth. Rub strawberries on your teeth, you will start seeing the effect within a few days.

3. Neem Datun
The use of Neem has been going on for many centuries. Neem leaves and wood are no less than a boon for the body. Neem leaves control sugar quickly. By brushing your teeth with Neem daily, you can get rid of the problem of yellow teeth. Neem provides relief from dental problems.

4. Mustard oil and salt
Mustard oil and salt can be very effective for you in whitening yellow teeth. Mix salt in mustard oil, rub it on your teeth and rinse. By doing this the teeth can become white.

(PC: Freepik)