When it comes to dental care, it is easier for you to clean your teeth at home than to depend on a dentist. Often our carelessness causes tooth decay, gum pain, and bad breath. If you change some of your daily habits, then it will be easier to keep your teeth clean.

How to keep teeth clean
1. Brush twice a day

If you want the teeth to always shine, then its cleaning is very important, most experts recommend that after waking up in the morning and before sleeping at night, you must clean your teeth with a brush or toothbrush, by doing this bacteria do not accumulate.

2. Gargle after eating
After eating, food sticks to our teeth, which is very important to take out, otherwise germs start accumulating in it and can cause decay. To avoid this, whenever you eat something, you must rinse your mouth.

3. Use dental floss
You must have often felt that after eating, the fibers of fruits, vegetables, or meat get stuck in the hair, which sometimes does not come out even with the help of toothpicks. For this, you use dental floss. It is made of thread, which goes between two teeth and removes dirt easily.

4. Make away with these things
Our habits make teeth weak or dirty, for this, you have to avoid some habits, such as drinking soda drinks, drinking alcohol, smoking, eating too many sweets, tobacco and paan. All these things cause severe damage to over health.

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