Sugar is one such food item which is used extensively in our daily life. The taste of everything from tea to sweets is incomplete without sugar, but most people are aware that excessive consumption of sugar is not good for health. If it is consumed in excess, it can cause problems like obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol and heart disease. However, this is not at all good for the health of our teeth. Let us know what harm this can cause to oral health.

1. Dental cavities
Excessive consumption of sugar can be the main cause of tooth cavities. When we eat sugar in excess, it becomes an ideal diet for bacteria in the mouth, which then produce acid in the teeth, which causes decay. Therefore we should limit the intake of sugar.
2. Bad breath
When sugar is consumed, bacteria grow which release their effects rapidly, due to which a strong odor starts to appear in the mouth, hence dentists often recommend that one should gargle especially after eating sweet things.

3. Tooth sensitivity
If sugar remains in the teeth repeatedly after eating, it can cause teeth sensitivity. Due to this, when you eat anything cold or hot, there is a strong tingling sensation in the teeth, which becomes difficult to tolerate.

Keep this in mind
The root cause of many dental problems is unhealthy diet, especially when you consume too much sugar or do it carelessly, it has a bad effect on your teeth and overall oral health, so it is better to limit your sugar intake.

(PC: Freepik)​