ChatGPT was introduced by the Artificial Intelligence startup company OpenAI in November last year. Due to the features of generating human-like text, this chatbot has become everyone's favorite.

The company introduced ChatGPT with a new improvement every time. ChatGPT-3 and 3.5 were introduced by the company with the features of handling the user's daily tasks, so now ChatGPT 4 has also been introduced.

The company claims that the new artificial intelligence model is better than the first model in many ways. ChatGPT 4 is called the "Large Multimodal Model" because it works not only on text input but also on image input. Subscribers to ChatGPT Plus have been allowed to test-drive the capabilities of the new model.

The friendly attitude of ChatGPT-4
The company has introduced ChatGPT with easy-to-understand language unlike machine and technical language. At the same time, ChatGPT 4 has been considered more reliable and creative than the first model.

That is, the machine will not answer the user's questions like a machine, but like a human.

Ask a question by clicking the photo, and ChatGPT will answer
It is believed that a feature like Google Lens can be introduced in the new model. That is, the user will have the convenience can ask his questions by clicking on the photo. OpenAI is partnering with Be My Eyes for this feature.

ask questions in your language
GPT-4 has been tested in several languages. The company claims that the new model is capable of understanding and responding to more languages than the first model.

Once the GPT-4 API is available, Indian developers will be able to add many other tools to it. This means those Indians who are used to writing and speaking in their native language, GPT-4 will be special for them too.

Technical writing tasks will also be made easy
Users will be able to use the new GPT model for their technical tasks such as composing songs, and writing screen plays. This technical task can not only be generated with the help of ChatGPT but can also be edited.