There is still no control over spam messages coming on WhatsApp. Every day people are receiving promotional messages from various companies on WhatsApp. The government is also trying to stop this but at the moment no benefit is visible, however, you can avoid such promotional messages by changing some settings in your WhatsApp. There are three ways to do this...

Block: The first and most effective way is to block the business number from which you are receiving messages. Once blocked, businesses will not be able to message you.

Report: WhatsApp itself has given you the right that if you feel that you are receiving messages from a business number that you do not need, then you can report that number.

Stop: Some businesses allow users to choose whether they want promotional messages from them or not. If you do not want to receive messages from the business account, you can click on the Stop option.

Opt out: Some businesses also provide an "Opt out of marketing messages" button along with the chat. If you do not want messages from that business number then you can click on this option.

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