According to Ayurveda, the balance of the three doshas present in the body is essential for health. If Ayurveda is to be believed then the doshas present in our body affect the functioning of our body. When there is an excess of any one dosha, its symptoms start appearing. If we talk about pitta dosha, then even when pitta dosha increases, many signs are seen in the body. In particular, frequent occurrences of motion can also be a symptom.

Pitta imbalance also affects periods. Let us tell you what the symptoms seen in the body when bile increases and which foods can reduce them. Dietician Manpreet is giving information about this. Manpreet has done her Masters in Nutrition from Delhi University. She is a Hormonal and Gut Health Coach.

Symptoms of pitta imbalance

If pitta is increased in your body then you will feel more heat. Apart from this, thinning or frequent coming of motion is also a symptom of increased pitta. Dryness of the skin, allergies related to the skin or excessive sweating, and early fatigue is also a sign of this. Pitta can also increase in the body due to stress.

Eat these foods to balance pitta

  • When Pitta increases, the heat in the body increases. To get rid of it, drink coriander water. This will also help in digestion. Soak 1 tsp coriander seeds overnight and filter this water in the morning and drink it.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties are found in bananas. Due to its cooling effect, it balances Pitta. You can eat a banana about half an hour before breakfast.
  • Gond katira is also beneficial for cooling the body and balancing pitta. Soak a small piece of gondkatira in water overnight and drink it in the afternoon.
  • Aloe vera's effect is also cool. It can reduce the excess heat in the body. Drink aloe vera juice every morning.
  • Pomegranate is rich in nutrition. It also helps in removing all three doshas present in the body. Eat 1 bowl of pomegranate seeds in the evening.
  • Basil seed water can also help in pacifying pitta heat. It has a cooling effect on the intestines. Put 1 tsp of vegetable seeds in water and leave it for some time. Then drink this water.
  • Raisins are also considered good for balancing pitta dosha. Soak 2-3 raisins in water. Then eat it in the evening.

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