Water is lifeā€¦This is a phrase which shows that life cannot be imagined without water. It is very important not only for nature but also in our lives. Our body is also made up of 70 percent water. You must have heard the advice of drinking water many times. It keeps many diseases away from you.

It is advisable to drink more water in summer because due to exposure to sunlight, our body releases water in the form of sweat, to balance which we need to consume water. If you do not drink water, the body can become a victim of dehydration. Although many other problems can occur in summer, dehydration is a common problem. If your body goes through water deficiency, then the body starts telling you this through some signals.

Nutritionist Anjali Mukherjee shared a post a few days ago, in which she explained in detail about dehydration and its signs. In this article, let us learn what the condition of dehydration is and how you can treat it by knowing its signs.

What is dehydration?

Dehydration is a condition in which your body loses more water than it consumes. Due to this, your body is not able to function normally. Electrolyte imbalance occurs in this and it may become difficult for you to carry on with your daily work. Sometimes this problem can take a serious form.

These are the signs of dehydration-

You start feeling thirsty

When you feel very thirsty, understand that your body is a victim of dehydration. Thirst causes the throat to become dry and indicates that there is a lack of water in your body. Instead of ignoring this sign, drink an adequate amount of water.

The urine colour is brown

When you suffer from any kind of disease, you also get signals through your urine. The colour of your urine also gives a sign of your hydration status. If your urine is dark yellow, it means that you are going through dehydration. At the same time, light yellow-coloured urine means that you are hydrated. So pay attention to your urine and if you see any such sign, do not ignore it.

Dry mouth and lips

If your mouth or lips are becoming very dry, it means that your body is lacking water. When there is a lack of water in the body, saliva is not produced in our mouth due to which the mouth becomes dry. If you see this happening again and again, understand this sign of dehydration and drink enough water. Keep in mind that a dry mouth also causes bad breath. It is also necessary to drink water to remove it.

Body remains tired

Do you often feel tired? Do you also feel lazy throughout the day and your energy level remains low? Let us tell you that this is also a sign of dehydration. When your body gets an adequate amount of water, your body functions better, but in case of lack of water, the body struggles to function. If you're feeling unusually tired or low on energy, increase your fluid intake.

Headache and dizziness

If you suddenly get a severe headache during the day and you cannot understand the reason, then try drinking water. Your headache will gradually reduce. Headache can also occur due to dehydration. When there is a lack of water in the body, blood flow to the brain will be reduced. Due to this, dizziness or headache may occur.

Muscle cramps may occur

As we told you, dehydration can cause electrolyte imbalance, which causes muscle cramps. Due to this, you start feeling stiffness in many places in the body. If you experience sudden or continuous muscle cramps, especially during exercise, then understand that your body is a victim of dehydration.

Constipation may occur

If your stomach often remains tight and the problem of constipation is severe, then it means that you are going through dehydration. When a person becomes dehydrated, his intestines also lack water, due to which the stool becomes hard. Due to this, hard, dry, lumpy stool starts forming. Drinking plenty of water can help prevent constipation.

There is only one solution to all these problems, water. If you don't like the taste of water, you can drink it in infused form. Try to drink as much water as possible.

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