PC: tv9hindi

In Hindu religion, the occurrence of solar eclipse is considered important not only from the religious point of view but also from the astrological point of view. According to Hindu beliefs, the relationship between solar and lunar eclipses and their effects on a person's energy is important. Astrology suggests that these events can give rise to negative energies and doshas, ​​resulting in various challenges in a person's life. This is why Hinduism not only prescribes certain rules to be followed during a solar eclipse but also recommends religious rituals to be followed after it. After a solar eclipse, individuals can visit specific holy places, perform rituals, and make offerings to purify themselves from these impurities.

Importance of holy sites:

1. Kurukshetra – Purification through immersion:

In Hinduism, Kurukshetra, located in the state of Haryana, is considered to be the largest sacred site associated with the solar eclipse. According to Hindu traditions, during a solar eclipse, all the deities come to this holy place for a holy bath in the Brahma Sarovar. It is a common belief that by taking a dip in this holy lake with faith and devotion, one can wash away all his/her vices and experience a life free from troubles. It is believed that this work offers the individual the possibility of attaining inner peace and salvation, freedom from the cycle of rebirth.

PC: Navbharat Times

2. Haridwar – Fruit of Ganga Bath:

Haridwar, one of the seven most sacred places in Hinduism, is located in Uttarakhand and is another important site where people seek purification and blessings after a solar eclipse. According to Hindu beliefs, the River Ganga is the path to salvation and this is the first place the holy river touches after leaving the Himalayas. It is believed that a person who takes a dip and makes offerings at the ghats of Haridwar especially after a solar eclipse gets great rewards. This sacred act is considered to confer punya (spiritual merit) and is believed to liberate individuals from their vices.

PC: The Times of India

3. Prayagraj (Allahabad) – Attainment of salvation:

Prayagraj, situated at the confluence of the rivers Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati, is an important pilgrimage site in Hinduism. After the solar eclipse, many people come to this holy city to perform rituals and seek salvation. Hindu mythology suggests that this is the place where the nectar fell during the churning of the ocean. It is believed that a person who bathes at the Sangam and performs religious rituals attains moksha or liberation from the cycle of life and death.