To keep the body healthy, consuming nutritious food is considered most important. Dieticians say that home-cooked food is the best in terms of nutrition and hygiene, although statistics tell the opposite story.

The Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation and ICICI Securities recently released a report related to this and said that Indian people are liking eating outside the home more. Most Indians often go to hotels and restaurants. Not only this but its impact is also being seen in their budget. More than half of their total budget is being spent on eating out.

Now that people are eating outside, the consumption of processed foods is also increasing. The survey report found that while the expenditure on eating out was around 41 percent a decade ago, it has now increased to more than 50 percent. Health experts said that distance from home food and increasing inclination towards processed-unhealthy food can be problematic for health in many ways.

The trend of consumption of processed foods increased in the urban population
ICICI Securities said in its report, that the trend of eating outside is being seen more in the urban population as compared to the villages. Not only this, about five percent of the population of cities is such that they often eat outside. Apart from this, among the migrant youth population who work abroad, a large number of people eat either canteen food or junk-processed foods.

For example, the consumption of processed foods is increasing among the large population of India, which is having a serious impact on health in many ways.

Most Indians do not get essential nutrients
Dieticians say, dietary and lifestyle disturbances are considered to be one of the major reasons for the increasing number of chronic diseases in the country. Just as statistics show that most people eat outside, such food does not provide the nutrition of green vegetables necessary for the body, on the other hand, the increasing amount of processed junk foods is increasing many types of problems for health. Might be possible. Processed foods have been considered harmful to overall health.

What are processed foods?
Processed foods are those foods that are pre-prepared and used after being preserved for a long time. To prevent them from getting spoiled for a long time, many types of chemicals are added to them, which have been found harmful to the body in studies.

Health experts say that excessive amounts of processed foods can lead to weight gain, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer.

Risk of chronic diseases from processed foods
Health experts say, chemically processed foods often contain artificial substances, which significantly reduce the nutritional value of the food. Chemical flavoring agents, food colors, and sweeteners can increase the risk of chronic diseases.

To understand how harmful these foods can be to health, a study of over a million adults found that frequent or prolonged consumption of processed foods was associated with an increased risk of heart disease, coronary artery disease, and cerebrovascular disorders. Can increase by more than 10%. To protect the body from diseases, health experts recommend consuming those things that can supply fiber, protein, and essential nutrients for the body.