Medical science says that a woman's age plays a big role in giving birth to a child. As long as the menstrual cycle continues, you can become pregnant and give birth to a child. But after a certain age (usually 45-50 years in India), menopause starts in women, after which it is not possible to get pregnant naturally. However, in a surprising case, an elderly woman has given birth to not one but two (twins).

According to media reports, a 70-year-old woman has given birth to twins, this case is from Uganda. But the question is that when this is not possible naturally then how did the woman give birth to a child? Let us understand everything in detail.

Gave birth to a child at the age of 70
According to a BBC report, a woman named Safina Namukwaya has given birth to a daughter and a son at the age of 70. This has become possible through IVF treatment. Both the child and mother are healthy. Giving information about this, the hospital wrote in a post on social media - This is like a miracle, we have achieved an extraordinary achievement. Mother and child are all fine. Congratulations to Safina Namukweya and our team for this.

According to media reports, Safina Namukweya is one of the oldest women to give birth to a child. According to reports published in the local media, when Sophia's husband came to know that they were going to have twins, he left them. Namukweya says people used to make fun of her for being childless, so she decided to have a child this way.

Sophia says I was worried about who would take care of me when I grow old. That's why I decided to become a mother at this age. However, it is not yet clear whether the woman had used donor eggs or had frozen the eggs beforehand.

Generally, in many countries, women freeze eggs before going through menopause between the ages of 45 and 55, which they can use to get pregnant whenever they want. These eggs are fertilized with sperm in the laboratory and placed in the woman's womb to develop. This is how Namukweya became a mother.

(PC: iStock)