Seeds Health Benefits: Many nutrients are also found in small seeds of fruits and vegetables. These seeds are very beneficial for health. Seeds are rich in fiber, protein, antioxidant polyphenols, etc. By consuming seeds, the body's blood sugar level, cholesterol, and blood pressure also remain under control.

You can easily include them in your diet. You can drink these seeds in oatmeal, yogurt, smoothie, salad, soup, or even just by adding them to water. So let's know, which those seeds, you should include in your diet and what are their benefits.

Flax seeds
Flax seeds or Alsi seeds are very beneficial for eating. Fiber is found in abundance in these. Eating these does not cause hunger for a long time, which can also help in your weight loss. Apart from this, eating flax seeds also provides relief from reproductive problems. Flax seeds can also reduce the risk of serious diseases such as cancer. It has been found in a study that the consumption of flax seeds can prevent the growth of breast cancer tumors in women.

Chia seeds
It would not be wrong to call chia seeds a superfood. Chia seeds are rich in iron, healthy fats, and omega-3. If you want to lose weight, then this can prove to be nectar for you. Consuming chia seeds is the best option to reduce belly fat.

Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds are packed with many nutrients including copper, magnesium, zinc, and protein. Eating pumpkin seeds keeps bones strong, it also controls blood pressure.

Sunflower Seeds
Antioxidants including Vitamin B, E, and Omega-3 are found in abundance in Sunflower Seeds. Which keeps your digestive system healthy. Along with this, they also reduce the risk of diabetes.

Sesame Seeds
Omega-6 fatty acids including protein, calcium, and B-complex are also found in sesame seeds ie sesame seeds. Which reduces the amount of cholesterol in your body. Monosaturated fatty acids are also found in it, which keep the heart healthy.