Summer Skin Care Tips: Sweating is very common in summer. But many people are very troubled by the smell and sweat coming from the underarms. Sometimes this problem increases so much that people feel embarrassed. If you are also troubled by the sweating of the underarms, then with the help of these home remedies, you can get relief from this problem.

Apple vinegar
Apple vinegar can also provide relief from the problem of sweating and bad breath. For this, take water in a bowl, and add vinegar and lemon juice to it. Keep this mixture in a spray bottle. You can use this mixture after taking a bath.

Potato has acidic properties, which help in balancing the pH level of the body. Apart from this, the low-acidic compound present in potatoes can prove to help prevent sweating. For this, rub a piece of potato on the affected area. Wash off with cold water after some time.

Spray rose water
You can use rose water to remove the sweat and odor of the underarms. For this, you can spray rose water on the underarms. Apart from this, rose water can also be mixed in the bath water.

Baking soda
Baking soda can prove to be effective in getting rid of sweating underarms. For this, mix one teaspoon of baking soda in lemon juice. Mix this mixture well. Then apply it on the underarms. Wash off with water after about 15 minutes.
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