The month of June is going on. In such a situation, the sun and heat have made the condition of people miserable. Due to the lack of rain, the mercury in many places is still above 45 degrees. Even today the Meteorological Department has issued an alert for heat waves. Due to this scorching heat, not only heat stroke but many other problems are also being seen.

Due to heat, the skin starts getting damaged a lot. Every second person is troubled by tanning and sunburn. Sometimes these problems also take a serious form, due to which doctors have to be consulted. Due to this, in today's article, we are going to tell you some ways to protect the skin from heat. By adopting some simple tips, you can protect your skin from strong sunlight. Let us tell you about them without delay

Sunscreen is important
Never stay without applying sunscreen in this summer season. The harmful rays that come out from the sun in summer cause a lot of damage to the skin. Only good sunscreen can save you from this problem. Keep in mind that the sunscreen you use should have at least 50 SPF, only then it will benefit the skin.

Use moisturizer
Most people do not use moisturizer in summer. Whereas this should not be done. Moisturizer is very important for the skin in summer. Just use water-based moisturizer in summer. So that it does not become sticky on the skin.

Wear such clothes
You should wear full cotton clothes this summer. Along with cotton, you can also carry chiffon or other light-furric clothes. Try to stay away from synthetic clothes. These can not only bother you in the heat, but these clothes can also give rise to skin-related problems.

Cover your face
While going out of the house, make sure to cover your face with a cotton scarf. This scarf will protect you from the harmful rays of the sun. Use good quality sunscreen on the face as well, so that it protects the face.

Keep yourself hydrated
In this summer season, everyone should consume an adequate amount of water and other liquids. When the body remains hydrated, you will get relief from many skin-related problems. Apart from water in summer, you can also drink lemonade, coconut water, or juice.