Nowadays air conditioners are being used in many places. However, many people have just started using air conditioners. That's why they are not aware of all its features. There are mainly 6 modes in our domestic air conditioners. Of these, Sleep Mode and Energy Saver Mode are also included. But most people do not know what is the difference between these two. Let us tell you.

Due to not being able to differentiate between sleep mode and energy saver mode, people do not understand in which mode to run AC at night. If you also have the same confusion, then here we are telling you the difference between these two features of AC.

Difference between Sleep Mode and Energy Saver Mode
As the name suggests sleep mode is used at night. In this setting the thermostat temperature will increase by 0.5 or 1 degree every hour for a maximum of 2 hours. And the Energy Saver mode is there to save electricity. Because AC is a power-consuming electronic device. Because of this, the electricity bill comes more in summer. That's why to reduce the bill, AC manufacturing companies have started providing this mode in AC as well.

How do these modes save power?
When running AC in energy-saving mode, the compressor stops frequently to save electricity. On the other hand, if the thermostat temperature is set higher in sleep mode, then the power consumption is less. The lower the thermostat temperature, the higher the power consumption. Thermostat temperature means the temperature at which you run your AC. For example, if you run the AC at 18°C, the electricity bill will be higher, while if you run the AC at 24°C, the bill will be less.

Which mode is better to keep AC at night?
Energy saver mode and sleep mode both save power. Sleep mode is only for use at night while Energy saver mode can be used at any time. Running the AC on energy saver mode and frequent shutdown of the compressor results in reduced cooling. That's why you don't get full enjoyment of AC. On the other hand, on running the AC in sleep mode, the thermostat temperature automatically increases up to a maximum of 2°C. However, the temperature of the weather outside also decreases at night, so you do not know any effect of it. To understand better about these modes, you can test both one by one and run your AC at night on the one which suits you better.

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