We live amid many chemicals daily. Some of these have become an integral part of our lifestyle, while some have been adopted as a hobby or a luxury. A large percentage of these are cosmetics. From soaps to shampoos and lotions and from perfumes to deodorant sticks, our body goes through a lot of chemicals daily. It is obvious that if there are chemicals then there will be a chemical reaction too. The use of deodorant also comes under this. Whether it is summer or a rainy day, in a sweaty and humid environment, deodorant works to give a feeling of freshness to the mind. Also, it can keep away the bad smell of sweat. The trouble is that using Dio incorrectly or even overusing it can cause a host of problems. That's why it is necessary to be careful about its use.

Whether it is hot summer weather or a humid rainy day, the touch of aromatic deo on the body also makes the mind cheerful. It is important to know here that deodorant works to control odor by increasing the acidity of the skin. Especially on the armpits. But it does not control sweating. Deodorant is a type of cosmetic. That's why they are made from chemicals only. Perfume is used in these to prevent the smell of sweat. Along with this, they also contain alcohol. This is the reason why when you apply it on the skin, the skin can become dry and discolored.

Dio can sometimes trigger allergies. In this, along with skin rashes, pimples, redness, itching, burning, or formation of crusts or swelling on the skin, respiratory symptoms can also develop. Usually, it is a type of contact dermatitis. This could be due to aluminum, alcohol, artificial fragrances, preservatives like parabens, dyes, or other chemicals present in the deo.

The first thing is the sensitivity of your skin. If your skin is sensitive then choose the deo very carefully. If possible, consult an expert as well.

You have to remember that the sweat that comes on the body is not smelly. These are the bacteria growing on your skin that cause this smell. So if you are troubled by body odor then first know its reason. Do not use a lot of Dio instead of reason. There may be some problem with you which needs proper treatment.

Use natural deodorants available in the market - photo: pixabay
Since deo is always applied directly on the skin. In such a situation, if you feel burning, itching, dryness, etc. on the skin after applying the deo, then stop applying it immediately.

Natural deodorants are also available in the market nowadays. These are mostly made using natural resources like essential oils, baking soda, cornstarch, etc. It may be safer to use them. Do not use Dio if symptoms of allergy emerge from these too.

(PC: Freepik)