There has been a continuous emphasis on the need for proper nutrition during pregnancy. Health experts say the healthy nutrition of the mother is very important for the better mental and physical development of her child. In a recent study related to this, scientists say that not only children born to women who consume healthy and nutritious diet during early pregnancy but also grandchildren can help in keeping the brain healthy. This means that by taking care of proper nutrition during pregnancy, the brain health of about two generations can be protected.

Researchers have claimed this in this study done using genetic models at Australia-based Monash University. The study is part of a project that found that a mother's diet can affect the brains of not only her children but also her grandchildren.

It is very important to take care of nutrition during pregnancy
The study, published in Nature Cell Biology, reports that certain foods may help prevent a decline in brain function. Consuming such things during pregnancy is not only considered better for the health of the pregnant woman, but it can also help in making the generations to come mentally healthy and strong.

The roundworm (Caenorhabditis elegans) was used as a genetic model in this study because many of its genes are also found in humans, which may help in understanding human cells.

Including some things in the diet can be beneficial
Researchers found that the consumption of fruits such as apples and certain types of herbs such as basil, rosemary, thyme, oregano, etc., can be very beneficial in maintaining the communicative system necessary for the proper functioning of the brain. Senior Professor Roger Pocock and his team examine the axons of nerve cells in the brain. Pocock explained that any dysfunctional conditions in axons can lead to brain dysfunction and neurodegeneration.

Pocock says we tried to find out whether natural products found in the diet can reduce this risk.

What was found in the study?
Research has found that ursolic acid, found in apples and a variety of herbs, reduces axon fragility. Pocock said this type of fat, known as a sphingolipid, protects the axon in the next generation as well. This means that a mother's diet can affect not only the brains of her offspring, ut potentially those of future generations as well.

"The report of this study makes it even better clear why all pregnant women should be ensured of a healthy and nutritious diet," Pocock said.

(PC: Freepik)