Stroke: The changing lifestyle has increased the risk of diseases in the body. We never know which disease will knock on and affect our lives. Stroke or paralysis is such a disease, whose number of patients is increasing continuously. It is a common disease and also an emergency. Every 40 seconds there is a stroke in the world and one in every four people suffers from stroke at some point. This disease is the cause of most death after heart disease in the world and disability is also a main symptom in the victim.

Stroke is mainly caused by blockage or rupture of blood vessels in the brain. 85 percent of strokes are caused by blockage of tubes and quick detection and diagnosis are possible if this diagnosis is done promptly. This time should be given by a single injection (Thrombolysis) in 4 1/2 hours and in special circumstances, the time limit can be extended to 16-24 hours in some centers.

Why does a stroke happen?
Why does a person have a stroke? This question must be in our minds. An unhealthy lifestyle mainly plays an important role in this. Such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, poor diet, lack of physical activity, obesity, etc. Apart from this, if someone in the family has had a stroke, then the chances of getting this disease increase. Also, the risk of stroke increases with increasing age. Such cases are mostly seen after the age of 65 years. Apart from this, high blood pressure also increases the chances of having a stroke.

How to identify stroke
Stroke should be recognized immediately which can be done by any person through FAST. Here in fast, F stands for face, A stands for arm, S stands for speech and T stands for time. These four alphabets represent disfigurement of the face, weakness of the hand, change of voice, and telling on time. If this symptom occurs suddenly in any person, then it should be considered as a stroke and he should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible. This disease is detected by a CT scan or MRI test. The stroke should be treated promptly on time, for which you should contact the doctor immediately.

Who are at risk of stroke
Strokes are more common in people with high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, or genetic disease, who smoke or drink alcohol, or who are overweight. That's why you must pay full attention to your diet and lifestyle. Manage stress properly and do exercise and meditation regularly.
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