Stroke is related to the disturbance in blood circulation in the brain. There are two reasons behind this - ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke. In ischemic stroke, the veins of the brain get blocked due to which the right amount of blood is not able to reach it. Whereas, in hemorrhagic stroke, blood starts leaking in the brain.

Ischemic stroke is more common. Because it is related to high blood pressure, obesity, lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating, and smoking. There is no doubt that stroke is fatal, but if its symptoms are identified on time, then complete recovery is possible with treatment.

5 early symptoms of stroke
Difficulty in speaking

Difficulty in speaking is a major sign of a stroke coming or having occurred. If the person is not able to speak clearly or is not able to say his things correctly, then the reason for this can be due to a lack of blood in the brain.

Muscle weakness and paralysis

Due to stroke, the brain is unable to send signals to the body parts, due to which the person becomes a victim of paralysis. Along with this, muscle weakness is also felt. Due to this there may be tingling in the hands and feet, and one side of the face may become numb.

There is trouble in walking
Stroke negatively affects the ability of a person to walk. In such a situation, if a person can speak clearly but is facing difficulty in walking, then he may have a stroke. Because when the brain is not able to function properly, the balance of the body starts deteriorating.

Difficulty in seeing
Difficulty in seeing is another sign of stroke. Due to the stroke, things start appearing double or blurred. Although it is a natural process for vision to decrease with age, it takes months or years. But when the eyes suddenly get damaged due to stroke.

Severe headache
Sometimes severe headaches are a warning of stroke. These headaches are usually more severe than other headaches. This headache can be accompanied by vomiting and nausea. Although most people ignore headache considering it a sign of dehydration or lack of sleep, in reality, it can also be a sign of brain attack.

(PC: Freepiok)