Rajgira Atta Benefits: Nowadays many people are troubled by the problem of constipation. To stay healthy, it is important to clean the stomach properly in the morning. Many problems can occur due to not having a clean stomach. Nowadays, due to wrong eating habits and irregular lifestyles, the problem of constipation is being seen in many people. The problem of occasional constipation can be cured with home remedies, but if you have been constipated for a long time and find it difficult to empty your stomach every morning, then you must seek medical advice.

To overcome constipation, a change in eating habits is also very important. Including fibre in the diet, and reducing the intake of tea and coffee, many such changes can reduce constipation. At the same time, according to experts, if you have the problem of constipation, then Rajgira flour should be used instead of wheat in your diet. Dietitian Radhika Goyal is giving information about this. Radhika is a certified dietitian and nutritionist.

Eat Rajgira flour to relieve constipation

According to experts, Rajgira flour should be included in the diet to relieve constipation. It is rich in protein. Including it in your diet can give you relief from constipation. Apart from this, it is also effective in reducing cholesterol levels and inflammation. It is rich in nutrients and also contains anti-oxidants in abundance. It contains a good amount of fibre, calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. It boosts metabolism and prevents stool from becoming hard. It corrects bowel movements and cleans the stomach easily. If you eat bread made from this flour continuously for a few days or include it in your diet in some other way, the difference will be visible. If you feel weak, make laddus by mixing this flour with dry fruits.

What to eat Rajgira flour?

It is also called Amarnath, Ramdana or Fraxnut. There is a plant of this grain, which is also called amaranth. Its buds contain Ramdana seeds. Because of the nutrients present in it, it is also called a superfood.

How to include Rajgira Atta in the diet

You can use Rajgira flour in your diet in many ways. Roti, puri, paratha, snacks and halwa can also be made from it. You can also make bhaji by mixing it with cheela, tikki and corn. You can also make porridge by mixing it with milk.

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