Strawberry is one such thing among berries, which is used in everything from ice cream to cake. You must have consumed many strawberry-flavored bakery products. However, it is also very good in taste. Many people also like a strawberry shake. Along with taste, strawberry is also considered very beneficial for health.

Let us tell you, that many types of nutrients are found in strawberries, such as minerals, potassium, manganese, and vitamins. Not only this, strawberries are especially very beneficial for our heart health. Today we will tell you in which things strawberry is beneficial...

1. Heart remains healthy
Strawberrys reduce cholesterol and triglyceride present in the body. Deficiency of these two does not lead to more heart diseases. In such a situation, if you want to keep your heart healthy, then include strawberries in your diet. This slows down the process of glucose breakdown. Due to this blood sugar reduces and the risk of getting diabetes disease is reduced.

2. Prevents cancer
In today's time, due to unhealthy lifestyles, people are more at risk of diseases like cancer. In such a situation, this disease can be prevented by consuming strawberries. Anti-oxidants are found in abundance in strawberries. This prevents oxidation and inflammation. Strawberries also contain ellagic acid which helps prevent cancer.

3. Immunity increases
Let us tell you, strawberries are rich in Vitamin C. Vitamin C heals body wounds faster. Consuming strawberries reduces the chances of respiratory infections. In this way, it helps in the formation of B and T cells in the body. These cells help our body to fight diseases.

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