Stone Problem: Every part of our body is important in itself. Everyone has their work which keeps our health right. If there is a defect in any part of the body, then its direct effect is visible on the health. Some parts of the body like the heart, lungs, kidney, and liver are such that if there is a problem in them then the health deteriorates a lot. If we talk about kidneys, then the problem in them has a very bad effect on health. The work of the kidney is to clean the blood.

But if you eat wrong, then it can cause stones in your kidney. Which is very painful. When there is a stone in the kidney, it is prohibited to eat many things, but still, people knowingly or unknowingly eat such mud which increases the problem. Today we tell you what kidney patients should not eat.

Avoid non-veg
Those people who have a stone problem, have to take a lot of care of their food. Tell that, stone patients should avoid non-veg. But if you are very fond of non-veg, then eat it, but do not consume red meat at all. Protein is found in abundance in non-veg things, due to which calcium increases in urine.

Avoid sour fruits
Stone patients should not consume sour fruits and vegetables. Explain that vitamin C is found in abundance in these, due to which stones are formed in the kidney.

Avoid dairy products
There is unbearable pain when there is a stone, which makes a person drool. In such a situation, people are advised to pay attention to food. According to health experts, stone patients should consume dairy products in moderation. Calcium and potassium are found in abundance in these things. If stone patients consume more of these, then the size of the stone can increase.