We all have heard since childhood that whenever there is a problem with a cold or cough, we should take steam. Even health experts themselves recommend taking steam in case of chest congestion. Some people also add carom seeds or other herbs in water, so that they can get faster and better results. It is true that taking steam is very beneficial in case of cold and cough. But the benefits of Steam are not limited to this only.

If you take steam, it has a positive effect on your entire respiratory system. This not only provides relief from your respiratory problems, but you can also unknowingly get many other benefits. So, today in this article, Dr Sandeep Nayyar, Head and Senior Director of the Respiratory Department of BLK Max Hospital is telling you about some such benefits of taking steam-

Loosen mucus

Taking steam helps in loosening the mucus. Steam can loosen mucus in the nasal passages, throat, and lungs, making it easier to expel. Therefore, if you have problems like bronchitis, sinusitis or asthma then you should take steam every day. With this, you will not have congestion or difficulty in breathing due to excess mucus.

Clear the congestion

If you are troubled by chest congestion, then taking steam can be very beneficial for you. It takes some time for you to recover from taking medicine, but steam provides you instant relief. When you take steam, the hot and humid air helps in loosening the mucus and phlegm in the respiratory tract. This can be especially beneficial if you have a cold, sinusitis, or allergies. This makes it easier for you to breathe. Many times there is a complaint of congestion due to respiratory infection, but steam is very effective in this.

Airways get moisture

When you take steam, it also helps in maintaining the moisture of the airways. Generally it is seen that during cold days, people run heaters etc. for a long time, due to which the air becomes very dry. Due to this you have to face breathing problems. Even breathing comfortably becomes quite difficult. But by taking steam, moist air enters your respiratory tract, which cools them and also reduces inflammation.

Soothe sore throat

When a person complains of a cold or cough, he also has to face breathing problems. Due to this he faces a lot of trouble. But when you take steam, it also helps in soothing the sore throat. When you inhale steam, it moisturizes and soothes the throat. In such a situation, it helps in reducing the discomfort and burning sensation. Adding a pinch of salt to the hot water used for steaming can also provide additional relief to a sore throat.

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