Cholesterol is a wax-like substance found in our blood and the body needs it for certain functions. Although cholesterol is very important for our body, blood cholesterol is always seen as a villain. When its level is high, it is considered dangerous. One of the reasons for this is that due to the high level of cholesterol in the blood, blood cells start shrinking, which affects the flow of blood. Sometimes they are also the reason for the formation of clots in the blood. Due to this the risk of heart attack or stroke increases.

Cholesterol is also considered very dangerous because, like other diseases, no symptoms are visible in the body. When the cholesterol level in the body increases beyond the limit, then some of its symptoms start appearing. In such a situation, the best way to monitor blood cholesterol levels is to get it checked from time to time.

According to the American Heart Association, a person should start getting their cholesterol level tested at the age of 20 and continue doing so every 4-6 years. For lipid level testing in children, it is advised that getting tested once at the age of 9 years is beneficial. A senior cardiologist based in Mumbai says that the first lipid level check should be done in children at the age of 9 years and then between the age of 17 to 20 years.

According to America Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, children must have their cholesterol levels checked at an early age. According to a 2017 study, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels increased among urban populations over 20 years. Experts recommend that people over the age of 20 should get their cholesterol tested every 5 years, and after that, the frequency of tests can be increased.

What should be the cholesterol level according to age
People above 19 years of age should have cholesterol levels less than 170 mg/dl. The normal level of cholesterol in adults should be less than 200. People whose cholesterol is between 200 and 239 are called borderline. In such a situation, it is very important to keep in mind that your cholesterol level should remain less than this.

Family history is one of the main reasons for high cholesterol.
Genetics also play an important role in high cholesterol. People who have a history of high cholesterol have to face many problems in their early life. If a close family member has the condition, you are more likely to develop it. This is known as familial hypercholesterolemia, a condition that puts you at a higher risk of cholesterol building up in your blood vessels. As a result of which a person becomes more vulnerable to life-threatening diseases like heart attack and stroke from a very young age. People whose family member is suffering from heart attack problem should be very careful about their blood cholesterol level.