Nowadays, deficiency of Vitamin B12 has become very common among people because it is found in very few foods and its options become less for those who eat vegetarian food, but if you eat food properly then wheat bread. Can also fulfill the deficiency of Vitamin B12 in your body.

Due to a deficiency of Vitamin B12 in our body, symptoms like fatigue, pale body, headache, depression, stomach problems, swelling in mouth and tongue, pain in muscles, and pain in nerves can occur. Vitamin B12 is essential for making red blood cells and DNA in our body.

Clinical nutritionists say that eating stale food can cause diseases, but some food items can be eaten to cure various diseases.

Nutritionists say that if we leave wheat bread overnight and eat it the next day, the process of fermentation starts in it. At this time, good bacteria start producing Vitamin B12, which is considered very good for our body.

Stale bread has a lot of fiber and the amount of sodium is also very low. Consuming stale bread also keeps blood sugar and blood pressure under control.

According to research, to overcome the deficiency of Vitamin B12, one can eat fish, animal liver, red meat, eggs, milk, cheese, yogurt, and fortified nutritional yeast.

(PC: Freepik)