Nowadays, mobile phones have become an essential part of our lives. We carry it with us everywhere. In such a situation, we must keep our mobile clean. Cleaning a mobile phone can be a very easy task, but some caution should be taken while cleaning it.

Why is cleaning a mobile phone important?

Due to not cleaning the mobile phone, even the new phone remains clean and tidy for a few days, but with the passage of some time, dirt gets accumulated everywhere in it. Due to dirt, many types of problems start appearing in the smartphone like the display not being visible, clear sound not coming from the speaker, the side button not being pressed properly, dust accumulating in the charging plug etc.

Often most people spend a lot of money on changing their mobile phone just because their phone has become old, some people consider the definition of old as low performance of mobile processing, while some people consider the upper cover of the mobile i.e. cover and screen. Measure from the guard. Therefore, if your mobile phone is dirty and you want to change it, then cleaning the mobile can be a better way for this. But never make these 5 mistakes while cleaning the mobile, it can damage the phone's parts.

Do not make these 5 mistakes while cleaning the mobile:

1. Do not clean the mobile with any liquid.

Liquid can damage your speaker and mic. If your phone does not come with an IP rating then your phone may get damaged. Liquid can go inside the mobile and damage its electronic parts. To keep the phone safe and clean, first, you should know that in case of any kind of dirt, these things have to be ignored. Whenever dirt accumulates in the phone, never clean it with liquid.

2. Do not use any kind of sharp pin

It often happens that people use sharp objects to clean the dust or dirt stuck in the speaker or microphone. Things like this can damage your phone. Also, keep in mind that liquid or dust does not enter the speaker. Because using a pin in a speaker at any time can cause the curtain of the speaker or microphone to burst. Instead of the mobile being clean, your pocket money may increase.

3. Do not use hard objects to clean the mobile.

These objects can scratch the cover or screen of the mobile. Never clean the screen or back cover of the smartphone with any hard objects. This may cause your phone to lose its shine. Many times dust gets inside the mobile, so avoid using any hard objects while cleaning its charging point.

Do not use heavy chemicals to clean the mobile.

Such chemicals can damage the cover or screen of the mobile. While cleaning the mobile phone with any chemical, it looks beautiful but the colour of the mobile may become dull due to the use of chemicals. If the back cover of your phone is fibre or designer then it may also get stains. Therefore, it may be very important to test any kind of chemical before using it.

4. Use such soft cloth

When the mobile phone screen gets dirty, many people start cleaning it by pouring water on it or using any cloth. One should not make such a mistake. The mobile phone screen should always be cleaned with a microfiber cloth. This prevents scratches on the screen and also maintains the smoothness of the screen. The shine of the mobile phone also remains when cleaned with microfiber.

Image credit: Freepik