There was a time when husband and wife sleeping on separate beds after marriage was considered bad for romantic relationships, but now it has started becoming a popular trend among couples. This practice of couples sleeping separately from each other is called 'sleep divorce'. Sleep divorce advocates romantic partners sleeping in separate rooms for various reasons. According to an American website, examples of sleep divorce are being seen in every third couple in America. Let us know what is sleep divorce, what are its benefits that couples are ready to sleep separately despite being romantic, and what can be the disadvantages of sleep divorce.

What is sleep divorce?
It is clear from the name itself that sleep separation means couples do not sleep with each other and sleep in separate rooms or beds. However, sleep divorce does not at all mean that the relationship between the two is bad. This is an agreement between the couple that helps in improving both their sleep and relationship.

Reason for sleep divorce
The couple has their lifestyle, different from each other. The husband may have a habit of sleeping late and waking up late due to the night shift or other reasons. Whereas the wife goes to sleep early and wakes up early. Due to this, they may face sleep problems if they share the bed.
Even if your partner has a habit of snoring, sleep may be disturbed.
Even if the partner has any health problem, he has to wake up repeatedly at night, which can disturb the sleep of the other partner.

Benefits of sleep divorce
Couples get better sleep by sleeping separately.
Sleep Divorce can improve a couple's mood, energy, and concentration.
Lack of sleep can cause stress and irritability, which affects relationships.
Better sleep strengthens the immune system and also reduces the risk of health problems like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.
If both of them sleep well then they feel more happy and satisfied.

Disadvantages of sleep divorce
For sleep divorce i.e. sleeping separately, couples should first talk to each other and make a decision together. Refusal by even one person can create distance in the relationship.
Sleep divorce is not the last option. If you are adopting this method for sleep-related problems, then first adopt other measures to get rid of insomnia.
Instead of starting a sleep divorce suddenly, adopt it gradually. Sudden separation from each other can affect the romance between the couple.
If you are going for a sleep divorce, then pay attention to your and your partner's feelings. If your partner feels uncomfortable due to sleep divorce, then both of you need to think about it.
When husband and wife come to their room at night after a busy day, they spend some time together and talk to each other, but due to the rule of sleeping in separate rooms, they are not able to give time to each other.
Joint family or working husband and wife have time to talk to each other only at night.