Time is very important in life. Time only shows the right path in life, but for this, it is necessary to have the right direction of time, we hang the wall clock anywhere at our convenience, which is not considered appropriate as per the rules of Vastu Shastra. According to the rules of Vastu Shastra, if the direction of the clock is not correct then negative energy resides there. It affects the people living in the house and one may face many problems in life. Let us know in which direction it is appropriate to look according to the rules of Vastu Shastra…

Clockwise according to the rules of Vastu Shastra
According to the rules of Vastu Shastra, the best directions for a wall clock in a room are East, West, and North. Placing a clock in this direction is considered auspicious. It is said that Kuber, the god of wealth, rules in the north. King Indra rules in the east. In such a situation, placing a watch in this direction is fruitful. It brings prosperity and growth in life. There is an atmosphere of happiness in the family. A wall clock should not be installed in the south corner of the room. According to the rules of Vastu Shastra, a clock should not be installed in every room nor should it be kept near the bed. Installing clocks on the balcony and verandah is also considered auspicious.

Wall clock status
According to the rules of Vastu Shastra, the wall clock should be round. Pendulum wall clocks should never be installed in the bedroom. The wall clock should always be on. The watch should always be kept clean and in good condition. Wall clocks should not be kept in broken glass. Blue, black, and saffron colored watches are considered inauspicious. Never buy such a watch. The time on the clock must be correct. If the clock does not show the correct time then it should be replaced.

Wearing a closed watch can cause many problems.
If a stopped clock is in the bedroom then it should be changed, because it can cause problems in relationships. If there is a stopped clock near the money cupboard in your house, then remove it immediately. Keeping a stopped clock at this place can cause financial problems.
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