image credit: newstrack

Due to the moisture in the rainy season, skin diseases can spread easily. The best treatment for skin infection is applying neem paste. If you want to avoid skin diseases during the rainy season, wear clean, dry clothes and avoid getting your hands and feet wet at all times.

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The problem of ringworm and itching increases due to excessive contact with water. Neem leaves are very useful for skin diseases. Neem has many medicinal properties. From the roots to the leaves, flowers, seeds, bark, and wood of this tree, all these qualities are present and diseases can be avoided by taking advantage of them. Neem with its antibacterial and antifungal properties has been used since ancient times for skin ailments.

image credit: onlymyhealth

For this, make a fine paste by grinding 0 to 10 grams of neem skin and neem seeds with neem leaves. If you are suffering from skin diseases, urticaria or ringworm then apply them well. This will give you instant relief. There are many benefits of using neem for ringworm, itching, eczema, and boils.