Everyone wants to look beautiful and to keep the face glowing, they apply many different things on the face. We like to consume fruits very much but after eating the fruits we throw away their peels, but this is not the case with you. Let us tell you how you can maintain the glow of your face with its peel.

Many people buy expensive things to enhance the glow of their face, yet the glow does not appear. If you apply orange peel on the entire face, pimples and acne disappear.

You can also apply papaya peel on your face. This is very beneficial for the face. If you want, you can apply it on the face like a face pack.

Mango peel makes the face soft and also starts glowing. You can grind the peel and make a paste of it and apply it on your face.

People throw away banana peel after eating but you do not have to do this, you have to apply it on your face. By applying this, tanning goes away.

By applying lemon peel on the face, the dirt from the skin gets removed and the glow of the face increases. This pack can also be applied twice a week.

(PC: Freepik)