(Coconut Sugar And Water Control Blood Sugar) Diabetes is an incurable disease, and whose number of patients is increasing worldwide. Crores of patients are suffering from diabetes. The reason for this is poor lifestyle and food. Lakhs of people are unaware even after suffering from this disease. This is the reason that every year lakhs of people die due to diabetes and high blood sugar. In diabetes, the pancreas reduces the production of insulin, which leads to high blood sugar levels. In such a situation, it is very important to control blood sugar.

Diabetes patients are most at risk from heart attack to kidney and eye damage. To avoid this, diabetic patients are advised to consume at least low glycemic index foods. There is more desire to eat sweets in this, but after eating sweets, blood sugar reaches a high level. In such a situation, the consumption of coconut sugar proves to be very effective for diabetes patients. Along with eradicating the craving for sweets, it also keeps blood sugar under control. Let's know what is coconut sugar, and why blood sugar does not increase even after eating it.

Coconut sugar controls blood sugar like this
The amount of sucrose and fructose in coconut sugar is very less compared to sugar. Because of this, it is effective in controlling blood sugar. Nutrients like antioxidants, potassium, calcium and iron are found in it. Coconut flowers are plucked to make coconut sugar and its juice is extracted. After this, it is cooked on low flame. When its water dries, it takes the form of sugar. The glycemic index of coconut sugar is 35, which does not allow the blood sugar of diabetic patients to rise.

Coconut water is also the best
Coconut water is also very beneficial for diabetes patients. However, its excessive amount can cause harm. Drinking coconut water in limited quantities keeps the pH level balanced. High electrolytes are present in it. Consuming it boosts metabolism. Not only this, coconut water controls the craving for sweets. There are fewer calories, fibre and protein present in it. Which is beneficial for diabetes patients.