Sunshine is a problem for every skin type, but it troubles women with a sensitive skin tones more and causes allergies. The rainy season is about to arrive. This will bring some coolness in the weather, but the scorching sun will not leave you so easily. Maybe you too, like everyone else, apply a little sunscreen and go out in the sun with just a scarf or umbrella, due to which you have to face the problem of tanning. But for women who have sensitive skin, this sun can cause many problems, such as irritation, redness, itching, rashes, and allergies. This allergy can cause problems for the skin.

What is sun allergy? Sun allergy, also known as solar urticaria, is a condition in which the skin has an allergic reaction to exposure to the sun's rays. It is a rare skin disease that is more common in women than men.

Polymorphous light eruption (PMLE) is another skin condition. It is a type of rash that affects parts of the body that are exposed to sunlight for longer periods, such as the neck, arms, chest, or parts of the back.

Know the symptoms
If you feel itching on the skin when you go out in the sun, then these can be symptoms of allergy. Sometimes redness and rashes start appearing on the skin in the sun, as well as burning, stinging, and swelling in the skin. In this situation, you should immediately contact a dermatologist. Many times before getting an allergy, one feels headache, nausea, and fatigue. In severe cases, difficulty in breathing and dizziness can also occur.

How to prevent
Using sunscreen can help you with this, so apply sunscreen before going out in the sun. To avoid the sun, wear a hat, scarf, and sunglasses. These will protect your skin from the sun's rays. Along with this, keep the body hydrated in summer.

Avoid going out in bright sunlight, especially in the afternoon, because at that time the UV rays are strongest, which increases the chances of skin diseases. If you experience severe symptoms of sun allergy, contact a dermatologist immediately.

Some home remedies
Aloe vera gel provides a cooling effect on the skin. Applying a cold compress on the affected area can reduce swelling and irritation. Along with this, you can also use coconut oil. It helps in moisturizing the skin.

Dr. Amit Kumar Meena, Senior Resident, Department of Dermatology, Lady Hardinge Medical College, Delhi

To avoid sun allergy, you should apply sunscreen half an hour before going out and repeat it every two hours. There is no need to wash the face for this. You should use sunscreen with at least 30 SPF. Above 30, sunscreens with 50, and 70 SPF are also fine. Apart from this, it is most important to apply an adequate amount of sunscreen on the parts of the body that come in direct contact with the sun, such as the face, neck, hands, or upper part of the back. If you do any outdoor sports activity, then you must use sunscreen. This can help you avoid tanning and allergies. Apart from this, you must identify the symptoms of allergy and get it treated on time.

(PC: Freepik)