Winter Dry Skin: It is very common for the skin to be dry in winter compared to summer season. Due to change in temperature and humidity in winter, the skin itches, due to which the skin becomes dry. In this season many people are troubled by the problem of dry skin.

By now you must have felt many times that in cold weather the skin becomes dry and moisture disappears. There are many treatments that bring back moisture to the skin. Let us know in detail about dry skin in this article, what is the science behind dryness of skin in winter, how does it happen, what are its symptoms, how can it be avoided and what are its treatments?

The science behind dry skin:

There is a change in temperature and humidity during cold weather which is a perfect environment for drying the skin. Dry skin is called xerosis in scientific language. The outer part of the skin is called epidermis and the outer surface of epidermis is called stratum corneum, whose other name is skin barrier. It is clear from the name of skin barrier that its function is to prevent harmful toxins from entering the body. During cold days, sweating reduces due to low temperature. Skin cells start becoming loose. When they do not get the nutrients they need, the skin barrier gets damaged and it becomes dry.

According to a research, moisture plays a very important role in keeping the skin barrier healthy, and the moisture of the skin starts disappearing in winter compared to summer, this happens because in summer our skin sweats, which causes The reason is that our skin remains moist and the skin cells get trapped properly due to which the skin remains healthy during the summer season. Whereas in winter, due to low temperature, sweating is not possible, hence the trapping of the skin is not done as well as it happens in other seasons.

Dry skin occurs due to these reasons -

1- During cold days, people often use different types of things to keep their rooms warm. By doing this the humidity of the room is affected, due to which the moisture of your skin starts disappearing.

2- Cold weather outside, strong winds and rain strip the skin of its natural moisturizing oil.

3- It often happens that in winter people like to take bath with hot water and use harsh soaps, by doing this the natural oil of the skin starts disappearing from the skin. Due to which the moisture of the skin reduces and the skin starts becoming dry.

Symptoms of skin dryness in winter

Itching in the skin

Redness in the skin

Blistering of the skin,

Irritation in the skin.

Ways to avoid dry skin in winter

1- Keep your skin hydrated:

It is very important to keep the skin hydrated in winter. For this, drink sufficient amount of water and moisturize your skin.

2- Take bath with lukewarm water:

Take bath with lukewarm water even in winter. This will prevent natural oils from coming out of your skin and your skin will not become dry.

3- Cover your skin:

Don't forget to cover your skin while going out in the cold. With this your skin can be protected from cold air.

4- Avoid scented soaps and deodorants:

Scented soaps and deodorants can harm your skin. Therefore, avoid using it.

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