Apart from being beautiful, the rose flower is also considered very beneficial for the skin. Therefore it is used in many cosmetic products. But these products also contain chemicals that can be harmful to the skin. In this case, you can use homemade powder made from fresh rose flowers on your face, this powder will be very beneficial for your skin. So let us tell you the skin benefits of this powder and how you can use it on your faceā€¦

Rose water - 2 tbsp
Aloe vera gel - 1 tbsp
Rose flower powder - 1 tsp

How to use it?
First of all put rose powder in a vessel.

Then add rose water and aloe vera gel to it.

Mix all the ingredients well and apply to the skin.

Wash the skin with plain water after 15 minutes.

Skin irritation will go away
Sometimes eating the wrong beauty product or allergic food causes pimples on the skin. In this case, you can apply rose flower powder on the skin. This will help reduce redness of the skin and reduce inflammation.

Dry skin will become soft
If your skin is dull due to dust pollution then you can use rose flower powder. By applying it on the face, the skin tone will improve and the skin will also get moisture.

Pimples will stay away
You can also use rose flower powder to get rid of pimples on the skin. Add aloe vera gel to the powder and mix it well and apply it on the skin. Regular use of the powder will get rid of pimples and acne marks on the skin.
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