Natural Face Pack For Pigmentation: At every age, it is necessary to take special care of the skin. There are many changes in the skin with aging and due to lack of proper care, there may be a problem of pigmentation on them. It is normal to have pigmentation after the age of 30. It starts increasing rapidly due to hormonal changes, lack of nutrition, not doing skincare properly, the effect of UV rays, etc. However, if these stains have come on your face, then it is not an easy task to remove them. However, two things used in skin care from the time of grandmothers can do wonders. These are raw milk and lentils. Yes, then let us know how you can use them in skincare.

Ingredients required for a face pack- To make pigmentation removing face pack, you have to use two things kept at home. First of all, you need 4 to 5 spoons of raw milk and then 2 spoons of masoor dal is ground. Mixing these two will make a face pack, which can make your face shiny and spotless.

Method of making face pack- First of all, take lentils and blend them in a mixie and store it in a box. Now whenever you want to apply a face pack on your face, take a bowl and add 2 to 3 spoons of Masoor Dal powder in it. Now add 4 to 5 spoons of raw milk to it. If it is getting too thick, then add a few spoons more milk to it. In this way its paste is ready. If pimples etc are happening on your face, then you can also add a pinch of turmeric to it.

Use it like this- Now clean the face thoroughly and apply this face pack on the face. Leave it on for at least 15 minutes. When it dries, you clean the face with normal water and apply some lotion. Use this face pack every week. By using it regularly, the pigmentation present on your face will start reducing and the face will look clean and nourished. However, before use, do take a patch test.
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