Bollywood's famous actress Tabassum Fatima Hashmi aka Tabu is 51 years old, but it is difficult to guess her age by looking at her skin. She must have worked hard for her skin care. Generally, after completing half a century of age, no person can hide the aging process, because then the tightness on the face starts decreasing and wrinkles increase. In such a situation, you do not need to take tension, you can adopt this recipe to look young like Tabu.

Coriander is beneficial for the skin
Green coriander kept in the kitchen can prove to be very beneficial for your skin, it is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants which protect the skin from the attack of free radicals. Coriander is a kind of antimicrobial, anti-fungal, and antiseptic plant. If coriander chutney is eaten, it helps detox the skin, due to which pimples do not come on the face. Let us know how we can take care of the skin with the help of coriander leaves.

Wrinkles will be less
For this, first, take fresh green coriander and mix curd, aloe vera gel, and rose water in it. Now apply this paste on the face for about 15 to 20 minutes. If you apply this green paste on the face regularly, it will not only get rid of wrinkles but also spots and freckles will disappear.

Will get rid of dry lips
Often the effect of increasing age falls on our lips, around 50 they start to look dry and lifeless. For this, first of all, grind coriander leaves well in a mixer grinder or on a sieve and apply it on your lips. After drying, clean it with lukewarm water. By doing this regularly, the lips will become soft and pink.